Messages for Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers and their Children.

The Light Wins

Who doesn’t love a good animal fantasy? Think of the adventures of Peter Rabbit stealing

Animal Fantasy holds special appeal.

cabbages in the garden with Mr. McGregor always in hot pursuit. Or, remember Alice in her adventures in underworld wonderland chasing the rabbit who was always chasing time. A more modern story is The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. The noble little mouse had his tale cut off by a misguided young servant girl as he continually was being chased by ravaging rats in the cellar dungeon. As the hero in the story, he was not to be deterred as he continued on his quest to rescue the beautiful human princess (possible only in a fantasy/fable). One of the main themes in The Tale of Despereaux is the persistence of the protagonist (good guy and hero) Despereaux. He kept seeking the light while chasing through the dark tunnels of the dungeon. Even though he must return to the Dark of the dungeon to complete his mission, he never gave up on the Light. In contrast, the wicked rats hated the light with such vengeance they even worked to prevent others from seeking the light.

So many places in scripture refer to Jesus as Light. He came into the world as light for all people, but just like the rats in the Tale of Despereaux some loved darkness more than light. As the Apostle John explains in John 3:19-20, those who do evil hate the light because they know the light exposes the wrong that they do. Evil prefers darkness over light. Light brings a new day. The sun rises and we can see the beauty of the world around us. It can be used to guide us as we walk along a path even at night time. Light causes plants to grow and is needed for life to continue on earth. A spotlight can be a life-saving warning shining on the rocky shore of a beach. Even a laser light is used by the surgeon to cut through disease in human flesh.

The light of Jesus shines through his parables, his miracles, his example of prayer. He shines through his commandments to love God and love our neighbor in the same way we love our self. Later Jesus’ followers also became lights by telling of God’s redemption through Jesus, but remember, we are only a reflection of The Light. To remain bright and shining, we must commit to time with The True Light by studying the Holy Bible, prayer, and seeking His will continually. Jesus’ light never fades and is a guide for us throughout our life.

John 8:12 Jesus said… I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

If you are a parent, grandparent, or other caregiver, click on the Being the Light link below and download a wordsearch puzzle  ( with a variety of words expressing light!

Being the Light! (download printable puzzle )

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Messages to Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers.

This blog has been written by Carol Adamec Brown, retired professor and constant volunteer with her local church.

DiCamillo, K., & Ering, T. B. (2003). The tale of Despereaux: Being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread.

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Puzzle created using The Word Finder < >

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